What we do
Our mission is to help provide training, resources and support to help others start sport outreach activities to impact their community, to help carry out the great commission ‘to make disciples in all nations’ [Matthew 28:19].
Jesus’ strategy to spread his Gospel was to form a team of believers,
following His example we believe this is our best strategy as well. We
want to help communities run effective and SUSTAINABLE sports outreach
through forming a ‘Community Sports Team’ (CST).With the purpose of:
- Impacting people of all ages in the community
- Helping people develop their sporting talent as well as character and values
- Helping people stay fit and healthy
- Uniting and serving the local churches
- Bridging people into the local church making disciples
- Partner with and working with others in the community
Why we exist
Sport is: relevant, fun, a universal language, healthy, social….
80% of the world’s population are involved in sport from the elite player to the someone who reads the sports back pages.Sport is a universal languages that can cross all social, racial, cultural and religious barriers. It powerfully unites people in a language they can speak. It enables relationships to be built and provides a platform for transformation in people’s lives.
Ajax Sports Ministries aims to equip churches and individuals to utilize sport to present Jesus in a relevant way.